I work with solidworks 2016 on PDM and I have a problem that I often encounter. When Solidworks crashes for no reason, I lose part of my work, when I reopen a part or assembly, it offers me to open the automatic save locally but I can't reintegrate it into the PDM!!
Do you know how to do it?
If I save as by overwriting the original file, solidworks creates a new reference and I then lose all previous versions of the part/assembly (saved in the PDM).
In my opinion (I don't use auto recordings that tend to crash SW and have done so for years), the easiest way is to save the recovered model using the take-home composition and store it outside the trunk.
Identify the files that have changed and copy/paste them into the vault.
On the other hand, I don't really understand the notion of losing previous versions. If everything is archived, the old versions can be repatriated. It is only what is extracted that is "lost".
The notion of loss of previous versions is that each time a part or assembly is archived in the trunk, it creates a version that is incremented with each archive. If I overwrite the original file with the automatic save, I lose all the versions and the part/assembly goes back to version 1.
This is only valid if you are uploading files that have a different name.
I don't remember how the autosave files are named but you have to rename them with the right names (swexplorer or use the safe for that) and then copy/paste the files on top of the extracted files.
By overwriting the files manually over the extracted files, it works fine:)
On the other hand, by "saving as" from solidworks on an extracted file, the recording does not want to be done, and if the file is archived, it creates a new reference which then loses the previous versions.