Sketch relationships, references, and design intent


I am looking to create an assembly whose parts would be parameterized according to a sketch and the dimensions are automatically filled in in a cutting sheet.

Until recently, my best candidate for this job was a mechanically welded part driven by its limit planes with visualization cubes for the dimensioning of the parts.

I changed my mind for questions of grain length of the wood for panels that are wider than long (which the visualization cube does not allow me to support) and I created an assembly driven by its limit planes and classic parts whose parts return the dimensions in the BOM via the property form.

But now, after a first reworking to use my subwoofer in another project, I'm looking to use it again and I'm still having problems: here, the sketch relationships have been lost (see attachment). The limit planes don't reconfigure my whole assembly and I realize that in the sketch of a part (here the upright) the sketch relationship indicates "collinear -> x".

Why did he lose his reference? 

Thank you for your help


The attachment is missing. :-(

"collinear -> x". the X means that the reference is broken (Not repairable if I don't say anything stupid)
The fact that the reference didn't follow probably comes from the way the file was copy-pasted

Here is the attachment


Hello Pierre S,

Thank you for your answer.

So how can I make sure that references persist inside the assembly and not outside? With "Breaking external references"? Then "Pack-and-Go? or "Make independent"? Or simply "Save as copy"?

I had problems when I tried to make several versions of the same assembly. Despite the "Pack-and-Go" procedure, the first models were altered because of the modifications of parts on the latest versions.

Normally, to manage this kind of reference, the best tool is pack'n go.

In your case, starting from an assembly that works (which I can't recommend enough to keep a copy well protected in a corner), you do pack'n go by renaming the parts that have links and the assembly for each subwoofer of your project.

Be careful since SW doesn't handle file paths at all, it's extremely important that parts and asms have unique names.