Relationships and font sizes


The last time I used Solidworks, relations were displayed next to lines, arcs etc., now they are displayed squarely on the midpoint, or at the intersection for example, the annoying thing.

Similarly, the font is displayed with a size of 6.35 mm instead of 3.50 mm, you have to modify the settings of each document and not in general.

In the office where I am there is not one who bothered to tell me how to go back to the previous version, since it seems that they have gone from the 2016 SP1 version to the SP3.

If you have an idea, thank you in advance.



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To fix a problem with sketch relations you have to go to tool==>options==>sketch then relations/snapping... And otherwise for the tool dimensions==>options==>properties of the document==>dimensioning... 5:59 a.m.



It's strange. tried to follow the advice of AC Cobra 427. and tell us if it works.

(If so, don't forget to thank AC Cobra427 ☺)

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If you are not yet in SP3, you need to update as soon as possible.

Then, if your colleagues don't have the problem you can use the utility to copy the settings to resume them on your computer.

Otherwise, you can try to reset the settings with my tutorial (you can restore them later):

If it doesn't work, you can try to repair the installation.

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Thank you for the answers.

For the reations it is back to normal, we don't know how, but it is back.

For the quotations, I had noticed that it was at the level of the document, and this for each document.
Personally I find it a bit of a hassle that there is not a general setting for all the documents, each time you have to retype the manipulation.


And this time I noticed that the best answer was not mine (thanks ac cobra 427)