Replace components in an assembly



I downloaded an Excel-controlled fastener library on Mycadservice.

When I have inserted a screw into an assembly and I want to change its configuration (diameter or length) by replacing the components, it remains in its original configuration. I am obliged to delete it and reinsert it (I have attached a screenshot). On the other hand, I can replace it with any other component.


Do you have a solution ?


Thank you in advance,



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Have you started a rebuild of the whole thing to see if the screw updates?

I did a Ctrl Q and it still doesn't work.



I believe SolidWorks loads the active configuration into the document.

If you open this one before and choose the configuration you want, and then replace the component, does it work?


Otherwise, I advise you to use SmartMates:


If it's an Axemble library, it will probably have been implemented on all components.




At the bottom, in replace components, did you have "choose the configuration manually"?

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If you want to change the configuration part then why replace the component?


Simply right-click on the screw, property, and choose the configuration to display in the assembly.


Why do you use "Replace Components" to change configurations?


It is easier to right-click on the "Component Properties" part (icon at the top right) and select the "referenced configuration" and click on "OK"


Unless you also change your .sldprt at the same time as your configuration...


EDIT: Like @fthomas


For me like @ fthomas

 Right-click on the screw, property, and choose the configuration to display in the assembly.

it's library parts so take the part you need for the config

@+ ;-)

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Thank you Thomas, that's exactly it.


Have a good day everyone.

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