Make a single axis visible in an assembly



A simple question at the beginning, but one that has not been solved with 2 brains:P (for now)


How do I display only one axis in an assembly?


By doing "Show all types" and "Show axes" all the axes are displayed, and if I only want one I have to hide all the others one by one in the tree... (long when you have several dozen axes). It shows me the basic axes as well as the ones I added. A solution would also be to have only the ones I added.

Do you have another faster solution?


Attached is a screenshot


Thank you!

Youngest child


Do the opposite when you add an axis in a room, make sure that by default this axis is hidden and if an axis should be visible and display it well.


Yes but 90% of these axes are the default axes (which I don't add), and those are often used to build the room (this question is valid for the plans too), it's a bit redundant to think about each end of the creation of a room to hide them, while a simple function (as in Solidedge)  "display only" part/axis/plane would be much simpler...

Basically, you can hide and show all the axes, hide a single axis, but not show a single axis... (which is what I'm trying to do)


But thank you, it gives me the beginning of an answer



I'm not sure about my move, but it seems to me that if you create your axis with different layers , you should be able to turn it on and off afterwards.

The best I think is to create axes in the parts via a sketch

and in your assembly you visualize or not the axes of the said parts

After all, it also depends on why you need these axes....?

@+ ;-)

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It's a solution for the axes that are created (but it's a shame in the sense that we  don't use the function of adding reference geometries anymore), but it doesn't work with the base axes of each part...

The need for these axes/planes are usually to set constraints.

I think I'm looking for something that doesn't exist in SW ("only show this or that")

Thank you for your help

Just right-click on the axis in the 3d or in the creation tree and choose show where to hide.

See PJ.
