Auto-renaming in feature manager

When creating a thread representation, is it possible to automatically rename this function with the thread type without a macro?

Currently the function is named thread representation 1 I would like something more explicit Thread M20x1.5 for example. (as for the drilling or tapping function where renaming is automatic).

Thank you.

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All functions can be renamed manually.

The F2 key among others.



Or you can also select the function by clicking on it and then a second time but no double click then you can rename it.

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Manual renaming no worries I know, thank you but no known solution or option for automatic renaming?

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In the options there is a box to uncheck for automatic naming, if you uncheck it you will be able to name at the time of creating the functions.


Thank you AC cobra the option I had already seen but it remains manual entry unlike the drilling function which is automatically named and renamed according to the size of the piercing and this without any input from any person whatsoever.

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I think it would be a good request for improvement to make at Solidworks...


After request to the support: non-existent function, for the service I will put AC Cobra as the best answer, closest to my request.

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