Automatic renaming for storage in Windchill PDMLink

Hi all


Here's the background: I want to store in PDMLink an assembly received from an external supplier in STEP format. After opening and converting the file in Creo Elements/Pro, I need to rename all the parts that make up the assembly to give them a unique identifier that respects a specific nomenclature. The BOM is composed of a character string common to all the parts of the assembly and an identifier to be incremented:


e.g. chaine_de_caractère_1.asm / chaine_de_caractère_2.asm / chaine_de_caractère_3.prt / chaine_de_caractère_4.prt ...


Via the "Rename from workspace" function, no worries for the string, but the identifier must be entered by hand... And when you're talking about several hundred pieces, that's a long !!  Solutions to automatically generate this identifier?


A small attached view to help you

Thank you for your help!




Do you even want to rename the screws and other standard elements?

I understand your problem very well because I have the same one but on smaller ASM so I didn't dig too deep into the subject.

But I'll see if I have something on my side.


I want to rename everything: the assembly comes from an external supplier, I don't try to find out if the standard elements they use are common with ours.

Well sorry but I couldn't find anything on this subject.

I thought we could convert the Pdmlink page to Excel to work in a spreadsheet, but in fact not....

 We will have to be patient and resume line by line :)


Thank you Thomas,


No other ideas users?

