Rename a PDM variable

Hello, Happy New Year to all,

Is it possible to rename a PDM variable and have it follow in maps and so on or is it a problem?

In addition, I can't make a folder and subfolder to manage variables, how do you manage to get by?

Thank you



Quite possible to rename a variable, everything will follow on the PDM part, so in the maps etc ...  on the other hand on your SW files, office, etc ... The old variable will remain and the new one will no longer exist.

To copy the old variables to the new ones, I would loop through the workflow with an action:
Initial state => change of state "Transition state"
Injection of a new variable with a value of "Old variable". (which will copy your variables)
Automatic transition to "Initial" state

The loop is complete, your variable is copied to your files.

There must be a simpler version if you have mycadtools or something like that, but I've never practiced.

As for the folders- subfolders, I manage everything with the name to sort and simulate folders, example:





@Michael.DELACOTE in all respects agree with you,


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Thank you

Concerning variables and their management, I had imagined the same thing, and it is for this purpose that I asked the question for the renaming of the existing ones.




Can you develop your procedure for renaming the variable, I have set up something but it is not bearing fruit.

Thank you