Return a custom property on a SQL basis from Solidworks


I would like to know if it is possible to send properties entered in a Solidworks 3D assembly to a SQL database?

If so, could someone tell us more about the manipulation? Thank you


We will have to tell us more. How do you want to do it? Personally, I created an app that makes the link between SW and the database of our ERP.

It scans the SW files, then binds the properties, compares with the database and acts accordingly.

What type of database do you want to interact with?

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Thank you, that's what I'd be interested in.

We are on VBA at the ERP level.

The goal is to send back to Silog information entered by a draughtsman in the properties of an assembly (such as a date of verification of a plan or other, in order to be able to retrieve it later with Driveworks)

Hard to explain, but knowing it's achievable 


So you want to make your code from the ERP?