Locating open files on the screen


How to get the Part Number, Assembly Number or Plan at the bottom of the screen 

instead of the small icons 

I reinstalled  SLDW on a new hard drive and reconfigured everything except this problem 

and thanks again to those who helped me with my last questions 

Thanks in advance 




Good evening@Larghetto

I use two techniques 

- the simplest way is to hover over the iconized room with the mouse, the name of the room appears as well as a thumbnail thumbnail.

- The other allows when several pieces are open but not iconized to see the names of these pieces as well as the reduced image of them.
Just hover over the Solidworks icon in the windows taskbar with the mouse. However, with this second way, if the part is iconized, you will see its name but not the image thumbnail.

The third way is to click in the top  bando in "Windows". In the lower part, all open files appear with the thumbnail that appears when hovering over this or that open file with the mouse.

Kind regards

Kind regards

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You can also press "CTRL + TAB" on your keyboard and let go of "TAB" while holding "CTRL", it shows you the list of files open with a thumbnail.
Then you select the one you want with the mouse or with "TAB"


Hello @Pierre S

Super!!!   I didn't  know her!!!

I like this one: because CTRL TAB  on its own forces you to sweep everything while here, by letting go of TAB you can see everything and that's great .
In addition, it allows you to work with the keyboard with the other hand because with the left and right arrow keys you move to the desired part and if you  let go of CTRL it displays the part (so no need to use the mouse).

THANK YOU iiiiiiiii!!!   ;-) ;-)      @Pierre   !! I adopt it right away ;-)  


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Thank you very much it will help me

Finally, Sldw could have left its old system which used part of the file reference

you probably weren't born, Lol 

question closed!! Thank you