I am looking for a solution via an interface to repeat several components along an axis or a cylinder while having a simultaneous rotation (helical type). The principle would be to have, for example, 10 components distributed independently on a cylindrical tube following polar coordinates and this would be driven by a single function or an array.
Thank you for your help.
The function has existed since solidworks 2020 (only in an assembly not in the parts.
Linear repeat and select rotate instances.
Indeed, I know this function but it is only valid for one iteration. In my case, I have several iterations that have nothing to do with each other. I would have to create as much repetition as iteration with this function. This is what I want to avoid.
No such feature so sorry.
You already had to wait for the 2020 for the one presented, in 2040 you should be able to have a function with variation!
Let's pray that we will be heard...