Circular repetition and/or revolving cutting

Hello everyone, I'm looking to make a repetition of a sketch following the Y axis of my part below and possibly a cut of the revolution.

Thank you in advance.

Hello vspemens,

I don't understand exactly what you want to do.

However for sketch repetition: You can edit the desired sketch and use the sketch repetition tools, move entities ect.. depending on what you want to do.

And for the "revolution cutting", you can use functions like Mast removal with revolution or Extruded material removal.

Feel free to fill in your post in more detail if you want more specific advice.


Hello and thank you for the answer. In fact I would like to keep my revolution but just split it on the axis of revolution Y in 10/20/30 ... parties.

For circular repetition of sketches, it doesn't work in my case.


The solution was given a few days ago by our friendly colleague @FUZ3D who uses the dividing lines

If I understood your question correctly ;-)

Otherwise you make a succession of parallel planes and make a sketch by projecting the edge at the intersection of each plane (longer but it all depends on what you want to do in the end.)

Kind regards


Can you be more specific? Put images in PJ? It's hard to guess otherwise. 

Split the bottle into 20-30 pieces according to the axis of revolution, just create a sketch in a plane parallel to the axis and then use the "Split" function. 

Is that the question?

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Hello and thank you for your answers. It would be more of a splitting like below that I would need.

You have the Tools > Sketching Tools > Face Curves feature that may be able to answer your problem.
It places the isoparameter curves of the surface in a set of 3d sketches.

Kind regards


Hello @m.blt, how did you get these curves, if you could send me the file?!

The method I have described applies to a surface... It is only effective if the outer shape of the bottle is a single surface, so if the sketch used to generate it contains only one spline.
Otherwise, it is always possible to use the Tools > Spline Tools > Fit Spline function to approximate the different entities of the sketch by a single spline.

As for the Face Curves feature, I have nothing but SW's help to offer you...

The model is attached, SW 2019 version
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Another possibility, which does not require the profile to be defined by a single spline, is to use the Tools > Spline Tools > Intersection Curve function.
Disadvantage: you have to repeat the (quick) procedure for each section.

The principle is described in the attached document.

Kind regards
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Can resonating backwards suit you, let me explain.

1- Instead of doing a 360° revolution, make only one "portion" of this bottle. like 20° (value to be changed later)

2- do a circular repetition of the body, in our case it would be 18x20°=360°

3- once it's done through the equations to drive all this automatically by entering only the desired number of sections. (in our case 18 )


See attachment. file in SW2019 SP05


out of curiosity what is the final goal of this request? to apply a different mapping or something else?


In any case it makes the neurons run xD

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Nickel thank you for your answers, I'm going to look at that this week and I'll get back to you.


Depending on the purpose, it is also possible to output the part in STL format by playing with the export parameters to alter the number of faces/polygons.

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