Repeating a component from a 3D sketch

Hello everyone,

I would like to know I am making a staircase.

I made a 3D sketch that will make the curve that my staircase will take, I save my sketch.

I open another 3D and make a square that represents my first step, save it, and create an assembly from my 3D sketch.

I force my 1st step. so far ok.

This is where I need your help.

I try to make a component repetition following my 3D sketch, I determine my sketch and the component to repeat , then the number of repetitions.

but the repetition does not happen.

My question is how can I solve this? Is a repetition possible from a 3D sketch? If not possible, another way to make a spiral staircase. 

I am attaching a picture to show you more clearly my concern.

Thank you for your help!!




What version are you in and can you post your piece?

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The sketch must be converted to a composite curve.
Do you have a special need to do it in a separate room? It might be easier to do it directly in the asm.

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