Repeat, sketch, or function

Hi all

I would like to reproduce on a piece the motif of the attached photo.

I started with a first recess, the smallest.

I'd like to know if there's a way to repeat either the sketch or the function with a scale factor in order to reproduce my first shape without having to draw them all one by one.



We can see your sketch 

but not the part on which you create your first form of your recess



A similar topic had already been dealt with and solved by @gt22 on the forum. Can this help you?

Kind regards

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@jm Savoyat

your link redirects to this same question

There's a wolf somewhere


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OOPS! There you go

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This is the piece in question.

I'll try your solution and tell you again.


I also put the 3D file if you want to see the shape of the part


I managed to do that.

I rehearsed the first form but I wonder if I'm doing it right.

Now, I have to be able to follow along a curve.


I don't know if the method is the fastest the way I made it or if I should have redrawn each shape but here I am making the piece.

I would have learned something more today.

Thank you.



Too bad the file must be in SW2020 version! I can't open it because I'm in SW2019. :-(

Maybe you can post an image of your finished piece? Thank you

But if you like the result, that's the main thing. Good luck.

Kind regards

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That's right.

Yes, the file is in SW2020 version.

Here's an image
