Linear Repeat, Display Problem


When I make repetitions of functions (colored beforehand), the repeated functions are colorless despite the "propagate visual properties" checkbox.

Does anyone have this problem?

Is it a Solidworks bug?

Thank you in advance.

 Have you watched this tutorial


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@gt22 You frustrate me with your youtube image that is just waiting to be clicked.. rhhhaaa ;-)

Otherwise @aurelien itb  Do you have multiple displays on your parts in the appearance pane?


@Azrod I understand you well ;-)

but believe me that the request has been made a thousand times

and still no possibility to have a direct link on the video

and yet on other sites it works very well ;-(

@+ ;-)

@gt22 On the next version of the site, full of plugins, each one more awesome than the last, right? :p

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yes @ all have the right to dream ;-)

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Indeed Azrod, for the time being I have several display states...