Curve Repeat at Defined Locations


We are a metalwork and locksmith company and we encounter a problem when we want to perform a repeat on railing posts.

To put it simply, when we draw a balcony of an apartment for example, we would like the columns to follow the concrete survey by tracing a trajectory (repetition by curve) but also by following defined points/centers. Is this possible?

You will understand my reasoning by looking at the attached image.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Kind regards




 Hello e.baudet, 

It seems to me that with "repetition driven by a sketch" it works. See p.j.

Kind regards.



Thank you for your answer but the repetition by sketch does not keep the orientation of the pieces... Look at my platinum sense, it has to follow the curve precisely...

Kind regards.



Have you looked at the "Constant Spacing" option in curve-driven pattern?

This allows for spacing between each element while keeping them oriented on the curve.

Kind regards



To my knowledge, it is not possible to repeat by having at the same time points of positions with any spacing (repetition by sketch) and orientation with respect to a curve (repetition by curve).

I had made a long answer last night but I have the impression that there has been a rollback of the base because I don't see it anymore. It will be shorter today...

A solution to get around the problem is to use the "copy with constraints" function which allows you to go very fast to copy a multitude of elements by specifying the new elements for the constraints (in my test, a dot for the position and a line for the orientation.

However, it is not a rehearsal so there will be one piece per pole in the tree. In addition, it does not accept the change from straight to rounded portions quite well. But once things are well established, it can allow you to move very quickly. If it helps...

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