I have to draw up product packaging plans that will then be used to create an operating procedure.
I would have liked my representation to be as faithful as possible, that is to say that the cardboard packaging that will protect the product be folded down at the end.
With inventor I don't know how to fold down this box.
And if you cut your packaging flush with your piece, then for each edge of the packaging you made a fold upon an edge, each time shifting the thickness of the packaging while keeping the 3 largest edges for the end. So that they can cover the little ones....
Hello, create your sketch and instead of using the extruded function, use the sheet metal function. This will give you the same result but with a unfolded one.
You have to remove material to be able to change the part in sheet metal and then convert it and add folds on edge as in the attached file as well as a 3D 2016 as well as the step...