Sketching a Component Layout



On inventor, I made a series of holes in a sheet metal, via a point sketch.

On an assembly, I would like to place a component (other than a content center element) in all the holes I made.

It works with a screw in the content center, but not with my component that I created.


How do I do this?


Thank you for your answers




I can't read the attachment, but from the description, I think the solution would be to insert a first custom component, give it the appropriate constraints to a hole, and then create a network (if the series of holes can correspond to a network!). Otherwise: one component per hole = as many constraints...


Good luck




In view of your piece, there is no possible network (columns or circles).


As a-hincelin says, you'll have to put one component per hole, but I think it'll be done quickly;)

Good everyone,


I confirm, it is not possible to create a component network if there is no drilling network.


Two solutions

      Insert the components one by one (given the number of holes it would have to go very quickly).

      Or create a drilling network and make unnecessary holes invisible. (so you can integrate your             components automatically.

Kind regards

Thank you all.


If I wanted to do this, it's because I don't just have one sheet metal as sent, but a lot of different shapes.


Another question, is there a way to put my component in the content center?

I just did a test and you can go through the Iconstraints.


By applying these constraints you will be able to house "screws for example on all the holes". This is less tedious than applying the constraints one by one.


To do this, you select the Iconstraint function in the ipt mode and you apply a half function (for example a loger").


On the piece you want to put in this hole you do the same.


In iam mode you import your sheet metal and then in the place function for your hardware you select place interactively in the icon at the bottom of the Iconstraint dialog box.

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