Reset revision pdm pro


I use the PDM pro with a workflow, and my problem is in the library.

When I make a bibli part cycle, I put it in a modified state, and once done I have 2 choices "return to bibli without hint" and "return to bibli with hint" Depending on my choice of return the revision takes a +1 (ex A, B, C ....).

I would like to delete it and return to the zero revision (before the A), if possible keeping my "versions" in the safe.

Es_ce possible? And above all, the real question, how?

Thank you.


If you add a path in the admin workflow (similar to the existing ones), but incrementing -1, it should do it.

That way you could decrement the parts where you make a mistake.


Kind regards




There is also the "set revision" function in the PDM explorer.

To use it:
- User rights must be used to define the revision
- In the workflow state, you must allow to change the revision

And if you want to update the variables at the same time, you have to declare it in the state in question.

I only force the clues in this personal way:)
Edit: It doesn't work to set the revision to 0


Great thanks for your answers, I'll test it and I'll keep you posted.

So I just tested the cycle at -1, because it works perfectly. Since the library is only admin rights, it's simple.

Since it's only bibli coins that have gone from the empty index to "A" it's perfect.

On the other hand, we also sometimes have parts to catch up with the index (because they come from a software other than solidworks) and there the solution proposed by Michel can help me.

Thank you 2 for your speed