Restricting a multi-surface room

When importing a STEP (road machine) model, SolidWorks created surfaces and volumes for me. I want to keep only the front of the vehicle.
No worries about removing material from the volume.
But for the surface, is there a simple solution to insulate my room?
(other than "restrict" because I have 1200 surfaces to select.....)
Thank you

I think we should see your play 

at first

you tried to select your surface sew them and thicken them to have volume 

or delete them if possible 

but it's hard to give you a good walkthrough without seeing your piece 



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For confidentiality, I can't put visuals of this room...  
Not all my surfaces are necessarily joined and are used to represent the vehicle, so not necessarily closed.
Basically, I would like to be able to remove material from all surfaces by a sketch.
The only current solution I have found is to make a vertical extruded surface (like a cutting plane), then to restrict by hand all the surfaces that cross it and finally to remove all the bodies (surfaces) present on the side I want to remove...

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Hello @Warner

Because you can't see the difficult model even for seasoned people like my distinguished colleague @gt22 to say anything.

Indeed, imported file templates with a lot of isolated surfaces, if I have understood correctly since then, there is no automatic method to remove what is annoying or has connection defects. So without a model visible to us, I would like to see what solutions can be proposed by the "Tough Guys" of this forum.

Kind regards.



It's a bit complicated to explain without images but I'll try anyway.

I guess that in the folders of your construction tree there is a surface folder filled with a large number of surface bodies impossible to easily identify, and that your goal is to lighten your file as much as possible.

To do a little cleaning in all this you can in the graphic part of solidworks make a blue selection window on the area you don't want to keep. It may grind a little depending on the amount of surfaces.
After that, there are two solutions:
    or you press "DELETE" and you see what happens (it should delete the selected bodies directly in the constriction tree)
    or you apply a color to all the bodies you have selected, so that you can find them in the building tree folder, to select them manually in order to delete them (see use a color selection filter .... ).

That's it for a trick that I haven't had to use for a long time, so I did the explanation in my head (not easy)

Kind regards.

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There is a solution but not sure if it suits you, it is to use a break view , with a straight break style, which allows you to isolate the part you want, disadvantage, you can't select the edges at the level of the cut and it selects everything. To see if afterwards it bothers you to work on your model. The advantage is that it takes up both volumes and surfaces.

In my case I have a problem with the color of the materials but not said that you have the same thing.

Kind regards

Thank you for your answers.

@Pierre S: There are some of the surfaces that I can actually treat like this. But I also have surfaces that "cross" my area and that I therefore have to "cut". But a simple removal of material does not work on surfaces... they must be restricted one by one.

@FUZ3D: I want to work on a "box" of my 3D model. Everything else needs to be removed to lighten my model.