Here is my question, I have a part that can be used in several assemblies, how can I easily find the assemblies in which this famous part is used. FYI I tested with solidworks explorer, I click on my assembly and then I go to the "used in" tab but it takes a huge time.
Yes I forgot to specify that I had no PDM, thanks for the OBI WAN link on the other hand I'm looking for a small free software, I don't understand why solidworks didn't develop this function of "used in" ...
Unfortunately the search for use cases can only be long (especially on a large database): you have to open almost every file you encounter (prt, asm, drw) to check which references are called and if there is the requested reference.
An improvement of SW Explorer would indeed be to be able to limit the type of search (asm only).
Depending on the organization of your file database, you have to play around with the options and limit the search area.