Find a room with a changed path or name


When we change the path or the name of a part in an assembly and the assembly is not open, SW temporarily deletes the part without asking us if we want to find it when we reopen the assembly(s) where it is used.

How do we get SW to ask us to find each "lost" part when opening the assembly(s) where it is used?


Thank you


Is it still in the assembly in the delete (grayed out) state???

If so, you right-click and click on cancel deletion and then it should ask you to search for it...



In addition to ac cobra 427, remember to check in the ignored warnings that there is no message "Could not find the xxx file. Do you want to look for it yourself?"

Not having it inhibits all functions associated with the search (even canceling the delete state does not offer any warning message).


You have to go to the Solidworks options in the "messages/errors/warnings" tab

Then check the box that corresponds to this question "unable to find the file....... etc"


Sorry @Cyril.f I hadn't read your post... =)


AC Cobra: Yes, the part is still in the assembly in the deleted (grayed out) state. Of course I can go to each greyed out room to undo the deletion but it's long and risky

Cyril: I put the message that SW shows me in the PC, but I don't have the message you're talking about and that's exactly what I'd like;  that he offers me to look for the file rather than just showing me a message to warn me


Thank you


Look in your options as Bart indicated.

Hi Bart,

it was literally all the dialogs that were disabled (PJ -> check "Ignore dialogs...) but I thought it was a display tempo so I didn't touch it. On the other hand I don't know exactly what the name of the message is because none of them is called "unable to find the file... "


Thank you to all three of you


Try the second line.

I think it's this one

Bart: It's not the second line but another line (which wasn't displayed) called "Couldn't find the fichier____. Will you look for it yourself?"

In my case, I had to uncheck "Ignore dialogs... "
