Hello pack,

Have any of you already modeled an Onduflex type washer?

I have the idea in mind (smoothing driven by 3D curve depending on the angle) but not the time.

For SW2013, please.

Thank you


It's available on Tracepart here:

http://www.tracepartsonline.net/(S(ztvjh4qcyts5wrlkdtid2ayo))/partdetails.aspx? PartID=10-22122011-068222&class=EMILE_MAURIN_BV&clsid=/EM_BV/BV/GRP_D_b_1/FOR_D_b_2/CLA_D6_b_3/

Or even on Lynkoa:



Last dead link a priori...

Yes, but no

I had hope (I use Emile Maurin's DVD) but same punishment, you just get a flat puck...

By the way, the washers I'm looking for are what Mr. Chailly calls "Model F2-15 - Elastic Washer for Ball Bearings".

Otherwise to draw them more simply: extrusion of a very thick washer, then on a side plane a removal of material with circles, that would be enough I think.
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Attached is an example

Edit the 3D sketch equation

The X and Y coefficient before cos(t) and sin(t) defines the amplitude

The coefficent for Z: cos(n*t) defines the number of waves


Thank you

I don't practice the curve driven by an equation, I thought it would have been more complicated.

Enjoy ;-)


Nb: congratulations to acombier who masters 3D equations (I admit that I didn't worry about my model as much)

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