Sealing washers

Hello, a question that has nothing to do with Solidworks.

has anyone ever used sealing washers on a sheet metal assembly, to avoid water infiltration, but with intersecting slotted holes...

If so, a reference can be either a brand or a site to recommend to me?

Or another solution maybe?


Thank you in advance. Cdt.


I've never seen this especially for oblong holes and even less for oblongs crossing each other and in addition with centering defects in relation to the two oblongs between them.

Look at Bulte anyway but they don't have it as standard.

I think you'd better make them by 3D printing in the right material by taking inspiration from Bulte models (to name only this supplier).

Even if you make them yourself, you will have trouble having a waterproofing higher than IP33 because of the size of the oblongs, the crossing and the bad centering, which will result.

The solution is probably a mixed industrial sealant system sandwiched between specially designed washers (AMHA)

But it all depends on whether it's for recurring industrial or a personal one-off problem.
Kind regards

Or you need washers that cover the oblong (playing on the outer Ø).
so it's tailor-made unless there is a stroke of luck.

Edit: looking at the Bulte site cited, there are Ø8 washers inside for Ø40 outside, "on a misunderstanding... "

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A gimbal bellows:)


I don't have too many solutions to provide, but I thank zozo_mp for the supplier's site that I didn't know and which offers interesting things....
Especially the joints cut from plans!

Thank you



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Hello, well I'll manage with putty, thank you for your answers.


Hello, well I'll manage with putty, thank you for your answers.
