Iso Compass Rose

Hello, I would have liked to integrate compass roses on my ISO plans, do you know or could I find that?

What if Solidworks can generate a coordinate system of the rose type of ISO svents?

Thank you;)

Hello Joss,

Our comrade asked @flegendre the same question here:

You should find what you're looking for.


Yes I had seen it but I'm looking for it in Isometric mode^^

Otherwise, I started to create a simple one but when I convert it to a block, my hatching moves by itself :-(

In isometrics, you can get the flat shape in a sketch and make a smoothing between this sketch and a second offset sketch with only a centered point.

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Yes, I expressed myself badly, I wasn't talking about ISO Standards but about Isometric ^-^'

I didn't understand the method explained in your answer @Benoit :-/

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So you want the compass rose in isometrics? Make a 3D, insert it in a drawing in the orientation you want, then on your view you right-click "Convert view to sketch". You choose the option "Replace the view with the block" and you have a nice coloring block!

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Here you are? I didn't know this method, at the same time, I never use blocks, I'll try that, thank you Benoit :)

Well, as I'm not clear in my words ;-) I'm attaching a 3D!

To be inserted into a drawing.


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Thank you @Benoit, it will serve me well^^

(FYI, I was thinking of the image attached at the base)
