Routing piping via 3D polyline with rounding

Hello everyone, I am an industrial draftsman in piping and I am desperately  looking for a LISP routine that allows to model pipes in 3D via a 3D polyline with rounding.  I have a routine that allows us to make segment elbows but it does not reflect reality and our customers are not satisfied with it.

If anyone has this kind of file, they will have my eternal gratitude for their precious help.

Thank you.

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Hi @ Bernard

Everything you need is in this tutorial

Creating a library

tube, rigid, flexible, te, elbow, fitting

and the creation of routing points

here you normally have enough to meet your needs

another in English for the visual

@+ ;-))



It depends on the software you have available???

Under Catia V5 there is a workshop for this.




As LISP is mentioned, I think it's about AutoCAD.

Here is an interesting link, where he  programmed in LISP to follow a 3D polyline: