Environmental protection

Hello, I can't save my environment? Each time the software is reopened, the environment is lost.

What do you call the environment? Your assembly?

A video on the subject:


Otherwise, you have to try to install the latest version (unless it's Windows XP because it's not compatible).

Oh no, you're talking about the implementation of buttons in Solidworks?

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The files can be found here (for icons for example, the path may change depending on the version):


The date of registration and modification can be checked before opening, after opening, and after closing.

Are the files modified?


Is the open session on Windows really the administrator of the workstation?


In Tools > customize the interface, you can save a profile, and delete the default one. The problem is still there?

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I'm in the west...

I'm not talking about the right software!!

What is the software in question?

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@ Bart another request for improvement to see what log it is

It's Drafsight

@+ ;-))

I have the same problem on Draftsight.


Whoever has the answer is welcome! =)

@tous, I use Chrome with tabs and you can clearly see on which software the question is asked (see image).


EDIT: in ie it works too
