Advanced selection



I'm on SW2014, and I can't get my advanced selection to work anymore but my advanced selection which worked under SW2013.
I tried the import from SW2013, I also tried the creation.
I filter on the file names and when I press "apply", I see them selected in the window but when I do "save" and favorite, to be able to use the filter, it doesn't work anymore.....
Does anyone have the same problem?
Do you have any leads?
Thank you.





Sorry, but I absolutely didn't understand your PB, could you explain it again, what is your selection?



You follow the guidelines given here for the creation:


What's the problem?


If not, SW2014 SP2 was released this week, maybe that will solve the problem.




Thank you for your answers and sorry for the lack of clarity.


I use the "advanced selection" filters to select all the files with the name "XA" and thus be able to put them all in the deleted state and therefore lighten the project.

Then I have a filter that selects all the files in the deleted state and that contain in their names "XA", selects them and can "undelete" them.

So much so, hoping to have been clearer.

On the 2013 I already had these filters that worked very well.

Today on the 2014, when I am in "advanced selection", with the different criteria above and that I apply, it selects the desired parts, on the other hand if I try to reach this same command by the toolbar, it does not work.....

Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?

Thank you.



I don't know about these advanced filters features.

I am not found in the help either.

Can you put a screenshoot or 2 to see where it is?


 The "Advanced Selection" function is super convenient, you can reach it by clicking on the icon with the "Selection" arrow, a drop-down menu appears, at the bottom there is the "Advanced Selection" command that opens a window.

In this one you define the selection criteria, you can save the filter under a name "SuppLibrary", if you check "favorite" this filter will appear at the bottom of the menu of the "Arrow" icon.

You can also click on "apply" and see the components in question highlighted.


My problem is that the "DeleteLibrary" bookmark is inactive while in the "advanced selection" window if I click on "apply" it works.

It's true that she is the favorite.

Too bad because this feature is super handy and works very well under SW2013 and allows you to show/hide all our library.


If anyone has an idea I'm all for it... Thank you.



PS: sorry I wanted to put several photos, but I am only allowed one (?)





I'm an SW2014 SP1 and I've just tested, it works at home!

Are you up to date on SW, the SP2 is also out, try to install it.





I'm in SP2 and it still doesn't work.

To be more precise, the filter works but not when it is favorited.

And at home?

Thank you.





Following a call to our Hotline, it appears that it is a Bug that will be fixed in SW2015....

