Select parts of a folder and assign properties to them

Good evening everyone,

Having just arrived in a company that does not pose (for the moment EPDM), I would like to know if there is a tool to select parts or assemblies in a folder under windows and assign it the desired properties. Currently we use bills of materials from solidworks but all the parts must then be sorted by hand in excel and say if they are tube or panel hardware or others, I would like to be able to include these properties directly, but as there are hundreds of them I would need a tool to help me.

Does this exist?

Thank you



If you have the MyCadTools ( tools, you need to have what you need to be able to do what you want, otherwise you'll have to make a macro.

Kind regards


Batchproperties in the MyCAd tool allows you to assign one or more properties to one or more parts.

Selection of a folder possible.

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Ask your company to have EPDM installed??? :)

Have a nice day


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or take advantage of making an automatic nomeclature and filling (copy-paste works well) the pieces.

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Thank you for your answers Roger and Denis, it corresponds to my request.

They had already installed the EPDM but their server crashed 2 weeks later and suddenly it doesn't work anymore, and their reseller doesn't want to go back without making them pay for a service again, I often talk about it normally it should come, knowing that my other colleagues don't know about EPDM it's only me to push with the boss =)

I didn't quite understand your answer Stefbeno.

Thank you


Watch this tutorial

via the Custom Properties and Property Form Editor

This will allow you to assign a specific property

Customer, Materials, Supplier, Process, Materials, etc......

And everything can be linked to Excel if necessary

@+ ;-)


Without the need for "third-party tools" there is the task scheduler (following the Solidworks package) which allows you to do this for "Custom Properties", on files, or folders.

Solidworks Task Scheduler

Update custom properties

(choose folders or files, click next)

Fill in the properties to be updated, or to be created!


I confirm for the task scheduler, the only limitation lies in the fact that the files must be in the same folder otherwise you have to select them 1 to 1 (it seems to me that the multi-selection works).


@Olivier42: Be careful, this is not the case with the basic version of SW.

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Do you have the MYCAD tools??? otherwise with your license number you should be able to download and install them, they are very practical, especially for your current problem!!

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Thanks to all, we don't have Mycad tools, I download the version of essay, do you think that with the license we can get the full version?


Great, thank you gt22!

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@ maximus

if the solution has been found

just check this answer solved my problem in the right of the adequate answer

This will allow other members with the same problem to find the walkthrough just below the question

and to close the subject

Thank you

@+ ;-)

I just saw the Oliviier tutorial, basically the properties are no longer linked to the part but managed by an excel file for example which allows you not to have to use all the parts already created?

No, it's digital input, with input in a table-type interface,

but no links with any excel (unless I'm mistaken)

It allows you to:

"Add new custom properties or modify existing ones in SolidWorks documents"

In addition I just saw that you can even work in the configs if you want, so it's a very interesting tool "without the need for third party tools" !!

EDIT: it allows you to choose "files" or "folders" as a target

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I confirm the words of olivier42, there is no external table. The Task Scheduler relies on the file's properties if it has any to populate the drop-down menu.

As soon as there is a file that contains properties, it retrieves them to propose them and therefore adds them to the files that do not have them.

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 Ha okay, but my basic concern is that all the files already created have no properties! And I want to add desired properties to them automatically, so indeed batch properties fits well.

Is it okay, my reasoning is correct?

Read my message again:

"Add new custom properties or modify existing ones in SolidWorks documents"

So yes the scheduler allows you to create properties, for this, you just have to type them in the input box (see screenshot)

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Ok, so it replaces the data card found on the EPDM? It's not bad at all.

Everything is there in these videos

Form Editor

Time-saving features    from the 18th minute

Property Form Editor in SolidWorks Tool

This allows you to set up cells 

@+ ;-)

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