Separate an excel table with a wave

Hi all

I can't find what it's called, I would like to make a separation in the same painting with a torn or wave effect.

How do we do it and what do we call it?


Thank you


You can use this software to take screenshots with a torn paper style:


See also the video and the explanations:

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Thank you for your quick response,

The torn shape I look for it inside the excel sheet, exactly it's the torn effect that will separate the first table from the second which are in the same excel sheet.

Apart from inserting an image in Excel, I don't really see...

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Otherwise leave one or two lines blank and pass the cell borders in dotted lines?

Afterwards, indeed, apart from making a line by hand, I don't see.


You have to split finally I think that's what you want in the view menu.

But there will be no tearing effect but simply a dividing line.



I know that if I split I would have a line, but I'm looking for the vague effect.