Red Square Meaning


I saw an icon appear on a sketch that I had never known to me before. As it can be seen on the attached image, the sketch is a problem, but apart from this icon and the red color of 2 entities, apparently not affected by it, there is nothing reported. The sketch was later extruded, hence the yellow. I have reissued it here in order to see the pb.

I have SW 2019 SP5.

Thank you for your possible lights and have a good day


Hello Pierre,

For my pat I didn't see this icon in a Solidworks sketch but I'm curious to see where it comes from. I've already seen in my programming software and this means that there is a problem in this area and in general when I zoom in it's a line that sticks out if it helps you.

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Hello Pierre,

I am of the same as ac cobra 427.

But I'm also curious to know where it comes from...

To be continued.




I've had this problem before. Most of the time it happens when you do a "shift entities" on a complex shape.

I am attaching a document that I have just made similar to yours. I have put several photos that show you the problem happening.

This square means that the two points cannot be coincident because there should be something in between. (One line in my example).



And when I have this type of problem, I tinker to delete the line that is causing the problem (See attachment).

It solves the problem, if you haven't found another method.



Indeed Gauthik67 you are right, the construction entity on which the dimension of 0.2 is based comes from the projection of a silhouette spline, retrieved from the volume, here not displayed, with the convert entity tool. Solidworks still doesn't seem comfortable with such entities. The links between the recovered entity and the original one are not as rigorous as one might think.

On the other hand, I solved the problem by removing a coincidence constraint concerning the end of the inner arc, certainly in red but not concerned by the square.

Anyway, thank you for your help
