Simulating gas movement in a closed enclosure

I am looking for a BE who could do a simulation of gas displacement in a closed enclosure.
Kind regards.

Hello p.colomb_I,

With a standard version of Solidworks, it is possible to do this with "FloXpress".
It's very simple for a simulation. +View this link>Tutorial: Simulating Airflow on a Shape with SolidWorks - YouTube
Good luck.


We should be told more, what type of enclosure (galern dimensions), the type of gas, the flow rates...
Have you tried with the FloXpress* tools, although these tools are limited, it gives a lot of avenues for study.

(*)-> Solidworks FloXpress Help

A schematic diagram or a 3D would also be appreciated.

The complete "Workflow Simulation" tool costs a small fortune, and embarking on a full simulation requires (considerable) resources and time depending on the complexity of the study...
So any information you can bring about your project is good to take.

Kind regards

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