Simulating a Gap with a Hole

Hi all

Well, that day I did a simulation to know the average SX stress of a plate with holes in the center of ellipse shape, simulated with a load distributed by 1 Mpa on its thickness on the right, it simple!! But the statement is vague.

In short, the spirit is to choose the method where the result is the most accurate.

My test is simple (not advanced) where the simulation is done on the whole model and with the load constraints distributed on the left and the fixing on the right.

After thinking about it, I decide to work as follows: since the hole is in the middle of the plate so I can simulate with a quarter of a plate with the adaptive method H (repeat 3 times) to automatically vary the size of the elements (on all of them at the level of stress concentration).

For result 1 (simple method): I find the average of SX=9.87 Mpa and for result 2 (with symmetry and the adaptive method H): Sx=10.76 Mpa

To make the statement clear and complete, here are the data:

Change the dimension of "Sketech1" as follows:
A = 25mm
B = 7.8mm
D = 41mm
Load: 1 Mpa in X direction
What is the average SX stress (over the entire thickness of the plate) in the stress concentration zone (Mpa)

The result is independent of the material as long as the displacements are small.
Choose the appropriate combination of element type, throttling conditions, and mesh settings
You can create a split line and/or use symmetry if desired.
Very small elements are needed to achieve an accurate result

PS: this is a CSWP-Simulation exam question

Thank you for helping me to learn new things before getting a certificate.

 Kind regards


Hello firasschafai

Sorry but your .rar file is no good and seems corrupted.

Attach it as a ZIP point if possible (and always with the results of your simulation).

Kind regards

Hi Zozo_mp,

With Chrome I was able to download the file and extract it by right-clicking and then save the link as.

Here is the zip