Fluid Mechanics Simulation

Hello @ all


I would like to know if there are any FLOW3D users among you?


And why are there no FLOW3D categories under LYNKOA?


Thank you for your avace




Hi @ frederic.humbert1


maybe because there is this among other things





Hi Frederic,

Indeed there is no Flow3D section, but I think that our friends from the staff will be able to add it to the site if they read this question. If not , you may have to send them a message.

On the other hand, sorry, I don't use this software.

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Personally what I'm simulating looks more like this:



Hi @ frederique HUMBERT


I just saw your video


It gives the impression of 1 flow of plastic injection molding with a speed of reading that does not give you much of a glimpse


Flow Thermal Simulation from SolidWorks not right for you?







In fact I work in the field of foundry (aluminum and steel) Die casting and gravity source

 The liquids I simulate aluminum, steel and sand


I simulate volume filling, solidification and defects related to these techniques, restore, macroporsity, etc...


The software that exists to my knowledge:



Quick Cast

flow3d cast


And the most efficient in filling and defect tracking is flow3d it seems to me


I just added Flow3D to the product list.


It should also be noted that there is Flow Simulation (SolidWorks).

SolidWorks Flow Simulation is used to simulate the forces and heat exchanges generated by fluids on solids. It also makes it possible to know the flow rates or pressure drops.


+ info HERE


Best regards


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it must not be very different from 




It seems to me that it should be possible to

This same principle

to be able to change the parameters of the injection product

as well as its mould(s) (material parameter)

The study and the path should be very close 

to see if the temperature and pressure parameter needs to be optimized

maybe a question to ask the log editor (EADS)




I am the only FLOW3D user on lynkoa?

alone in the world