

For a static simulation of a gravity assembly, can we force the coaxiality of the screw connectors?

Looking forward to a quick response.

Regards Karyll

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Good evening

That is not possible to my knowledge.

The questions would rather be:

  1. Why would you want to use a screw (like your picture) because there is nothing to indicate that during assembly the screw will not be in the middle of the slotted hole.
  2. Is it the screw you want to test or the part held by the screw. By defining the contact area (under the screw head) and putting a fixed connector you should achieve the same result.

To give you other opinions, you should have a broader view of your ASM, or even more if possible.

We can discuss it if you wish!

Kind regards

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Good night Zozo friend

yes I want to discuss it

Karyll 06 08 96 21 52 or email?

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Hello Karill

I advise you to delete your phone number because some people (and especially search robots) use the numbers left on forums among other things to build lists that they sell to unscrupulous spammers or crazy and pathetic marketers.

For the rest I said discuss but I should have specified it's a mistake on my part: discuss it ON THE FORUM ;-)

In a nutshell , why do you want to do your simulation using the bolt or screw connector type. I say this because if it's the strength of the part that interests you, you don't need the "bolt" connector.

Kind regards