Sketch on sketch from the projected curve function

Hello LYNKOA Forum,
Would you know if it would be possible to project sketches from " projected curve" to " sketch on sketch " in SW 2016 as on the screenshot below:
If this would be possible in SW 2016, how to do it please?
Kind regards

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Good evening @remi.salerno

First of all, welcome to the myCAD Forum, I hope you like it and that you will come back often.

Let's see if I understood correctly (don't bang my head if I'm wrong)
You have a sketch "Sketch 1" that appears to be on a single plane (Flat) and you want to project it onto a non-flat surface "designated After".

1°) We should be told what After will be projected on, namely on a room or a surface
2°) do you accept that the sketch is not the same length as Sketch 1

In a nutshell, tell us a little more about the purpose and precision sought.

Kind regards

PS: Tomorrow Monday the Maouss Costauds will come to tell you how to do it :wink: