SLDREG Lightning DirX DirY - which unit?

By cleaning up SLDREG, I correct some things,

but does anyone know in which unit the "Dir" values are written??


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2016\Default Lighting\Default\Directional1]



Good question, probably in inches or seconds if it's angles. Experiment with changing these values...

At first glance I would say that it can only be in second...


Or maybe just degrees in view of the values...

But I can't check the values easily,


in the SLDREG it looks like it's default values, in case of an empty model.

but I'm not sure...

Because it's a bit surprising to find light settings in the SLDREG.


In any case, in order to standardize the settings (and to avoid having the famous display color problems because of the lights), I prefer to correct these values with the current ones.

but there are still the values of angles...

Looking for defaults? I have the same thing for these two values...


But I don't really understand what you want to do? Because in principle you don't need to modify the registry, there should be built-in options in SW.

Thank you, but that's not the purpose of my "why?" topic.

My question is "which unit is it?"