SLDW Esquisse 3D


The 3D Sketch command no longer obeys the change of plane 

What is going on? , I'm stuck in X Y 


Don't you have one or more related constraints?

Images  of your sketch and its properties would be welcome to avoid getting into guesswork.

Or sharing your room, if possible.

Kind regards

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Thank you for your almost immediate response

No no constraint, I started from nothing, and in addition I turned off and restarted my pc, just in case...  

I have to go through sweeps 

I make plumbing routes

I have version 11

I'm waiting for the end of lockdown and good deals to buy a newer version

I have known SLDW since 2004




Can you post images to illustrate your problem and/or share your file as an attachment?

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If you're stuck in XY

it's that you're in 2D sketching

Close your open sketch

and goes to 3D sketch tab

you should see 3D sketch in the feature manager 



post a screenshot With your feature manager

or the file we'll tell you +



I guess you know this trick but with the tab key during a 3D sketch you can change the orientation (if it was all that...)



Thank you all 

Confusion between the space key and the tab key

Age maybe?

Thanks again 


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Hello @Rpicard

The Tab key doesn't do anything for me. The Space key changes the orientation.


Hello @LARGHETTO and @Sylk,

You made me doubt for a moment but in my case it's the tab key (Sldw2019)...  



@Rpicard : Wouldn't you have reassigned this shortcut key yourself? For my part, on SW2020, I didn't touch it.

I can't determine if LARGHETTO 's remark was addressed to you, Rpicard, or if he meant that he had confused the keys. In the latter case, it could mean that the shortcut has changed with the 2020 version.


up to version 19, Tab is the default key to change the creative orientation to 3D sketch, Space is the default key to change the orientation of the display.


Thank you stefbeno

I confirm. This is still the case in 2020, except that if the view is focused on a plane (top, front, right) the orientation of creation remains on this plane; You have to be in isometric, trimetric or dimetric view for it to work.

Kind regards.

PS: maybe the problem of LARGHETTO was that one in the end?

Hello again

I come back to the subject 

For me it's the TAB key that you have to press (SLDW 2011)

The confusion came from me, that's why I blamed my age 

Everything is fine now that I'm no longer confused 

Thanks again

Regards Larghetto



@Sylk: Oh the vicious thing. I had already found myself with the TAB key that didn't work, I put it down to a bug.
Thanks for the tip.

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Ah, we're moving forward 

Indeed, if you are on a plane and not in iso 

The plan is frozen 

In iso on the other hand the 3D works 

Good night 
