SMARTPROPERTIES - conditional type



I would like to use a conditional property from an option property. Is it possible?


Option property: type part with the names: tole, profile...

If part type = sheet metal then...


Tiebreaker: What is the purpose of the VALUE column in the definition of an option property???


Thank you in advance





The Option property is already a conditional form:

Relative to the value field (optional): most often 0 (zero) or 1 (one)


The value (0 or 1) depends on the state of a button or checkbox.

(0= unchecked and 1=checked)

if value =0 then => option A inactive by default

if value =1 then => option A is active by default

Don't hesitate to consult the help on smartproperties (or remember to download it from your axemble account).

See attached document: extract from the Smartproperties aid (2014)




OK thanks, I'll try...

Otherwise, I'm limited to 5 names in the OPTION property. How can it be increased?



By creating head options:


option A -> references to option a1,b1,c1...

option B -> references to option a2,b2,c2...

But if you have a lot of different types of parts, I advise you to go through links to XML files.

This will create a drop-down list with your room types to choose from and take you to a dedicated smartproperty template for each of them.


for sheet metal parts -> references to XML Smartpropeties Sheet Metal

for a profile-> XML Smartpropeties profile


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