Solidwoks 2016 - Editing a Linear Sketch Pattern


I used the linear sketch repetition on a part to duplicate a groove.
The external dimension of the part having been modified, I have to modify the duplication pitch of this groove but I have to keep the same number of occurrences
When I edit this material removal corresponding to the machining of the grooves, I can change the number of occurrences but not the dimension of the duplication pitch. It appears with its name (D5@ESQUISSE8) but it is impossible for me to change its value.

Does anyone have the solution?

Thank you in advance for your answers


If you click on one of the repeated references and you right-click to edit the repeat as described here.


This is what is described in the solidworks 2016 help.

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Hello and thank you for your answer,
However, when you duplicate a sketch and not a feature like a drill, the dimension of the repetition pitch is not displayed with its value, but with its name.
As a result, I look for where I have to go to visualize the value of this call number defined by its name, I guess there must be a table listing the numbers with their name in correspondence but I can't find it.


Can you post your file?

This is the disadvantage of sketch rehearsals.
Personally, as it seems quite capricious to me, I prefer to do repetitions of functions. I have yet to find a case where sketch repetition is the only solution.

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Thank you both for your help.
Using the example of AC COBRA 427, I managed to find how to do it, but really it's not natural
I will therefore close this discussion.