Solidworks 2015 creates a non-rectangle parallelepiped



I'm facing a design problem.

I want to make a parallelepiped of 6 faces with all its sides equal but not retangled (so not a cube but in the shape of a diamond).

ideally the distance of one diagonal from the opposite point to the other  (Distance AB on the drawing below) is equal to the side of the parallelepiped

I tried to start from a diamond and then extrude from along an inclined plane of 60° for example and extruding the required length (the same length as one side)

I end up with a parallelepiped but the latter is not centered (I mean when the vertically along AB the right and left side is not similar but unbalance)


I thought starting from a cube is crushed the latter by forcing them to stay at the desired size but I haven't found a tool to do it.


Thank you in advance.

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I would like to make a  rhombohedron to be more precise



I just tried with a 3D sketch, it works.

Make a diamond by constraining it properly, then go in another direction with the TAB key and draw another diamond, and so on...


Isn't it enough to use 3D sketches with constraints according to x/y/z? 


I was going to try with a 3D sketch and with almost the assurance that it would work, but Bart beat me to it. Well done.

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Wouldn't a smoothing be enough?

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As @Fabrice says with the volume smoothing function it works very well ;-)

see below if suitable

Vertical extrusion

60° slope smoothing function

attached file SW 2012

@+ ;-)


On wikipedia, with all the odds and constraints, it goes by itself.


There are several ways to do this, it's up to you to choose the one that suits you;)




You can also do an extrusion with a guideline  and up to a top.

For the example I used the sketch of @gt22 (thanks)

May the force be with you.


Thank you all.


I was indeed able to achieve my goals with your different processes.

Thanks again