Solidworks 2020 vs 2021


We are currently in solidworks 2018 sp05 version, we are planning to update the software and the pdm

We were thinking of upgrading to solidworks 2020 sp05 but we are hesitating with solidworks 2021 sp03 upgradeable to sp05 when it comes out

I would like to have the feelings of users who have already used these two versions

Thanks in advance

The feeling of an EPDM user: use SP5.0.

We switched to EPDM 2020Sp3.0 and it's a bug fair (sw+epdm).

The EPDM overlay does not help with recklessness.


NB: the 2021 Sp3.0 may be much better than the 2020 but it is very likely that it will remain worse than the future Sp5.0.