Solidworks 2023 SP2.1

Hi all
I wanted to know if anyone is working with the 2023 version SP2.1 (latest version available)
Having a lot of bugs with the 2022 I would like to know if it was better with the latest update.


It's difficult to give a concrete answer on this subject, each Solidworks user has his or her own set of bugs.

My advice, however, is to never install the latest version.
Especially since it is a version 2.1... .1 is a sign that immediately after releasing version 2, Solidworks had to release a big patch patch... This is not always a good sign.

At home, we are in 2022 sp4, with our own share of problems so we are somehow managing to get along.

Carefully check the compatibility with your PC architecture (graphics card... Memory) and peripheral software (Office...) without forgetting your OS (Windows) so as not to accumulate problems before embarking on a new installation.

Kind regards.


Yes, I suspected that.
We will wait for SP3 or SP4.