Solidworks 2023

Is there a change in ergonomics, (menu, commands...) if we go from Solidworks 2022 to Solidworks 2023?
Thank you

Hello pkoenig,
Here is a link that might help. =>SOLIDWORKS 2023 vs SOLIDWORKS 2022: Opening a Large Assembly - Race Against the Clock - YouTube


And for the drawings, is the speed also lightning fast?
I remember that every year SW sells the speed of opening, like in 2020 when the drawings opened in a flash.
@OBI_WAN'm thinking of testing the 2023 version if the lightning is true, which I doubt a little.
Nevertheless thank you @A.R for the video
Otherwise @pkoenig it's been many years now that the interface changes remain minor.
On the other hand, I don't recommend switching to a more recent version before SP3 or 4 at least



I'm joining @sbadenis , it's too early to move on to 2023 (in general I'm waiting for the sp4).

  • For drawings, it's like for large assemblies... Solidworks promises faster and faster openings... insofar as you don't want to be up to date, nor see everything nor work on it (light mode). :sweat_smile:

@pkoenig : You can always keep your current interface by re-importing your *.sldreg parameter backup files (including toolbars and Macro toolbars).

Kind regards.

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Thank you

Hello @sbadenis

I have a little idea of the answer but to be sure...
Why do you recommend waiting for an SP03, SP04 or SP05?

Thanks in advance

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Let's say that if you like to be a beta tester and the IT department agrees to change the SPs without any problem, you can have an SP0 installed.
When you are looking for an "optimal" operation for a production (hear this on the IT side) with stability on an SP you expect at least SP3 but the best is to base yourself on the SP5.


For a production tool, you need a stable version devoid of many bugs.
In general, no stable version before at least SP3 (I usually wait for at least SP04.
This still allows you to submit possible bugs for improvement on Sp05, without having to go through all the bugs fixed in the lower versions.


That's what it seemed to me
Thank you for your answers!

SP5.0 (or even wait a little in case of 5.1) otherwise nothing.
NB: We shoot ourselves on a buggy SP3.0.

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