Hello to you and thank you for your attention, I am on an assembly at the moment, I am inserting a 2300mm tube that I positioned in a precise place and I then replicated it on the X axis in six new tubes spaced 440 mm apart
When you look at the tree structure, you find a linear network, I have to extract it from the plan to make a new room.
This piece isolate now I want to save it under and then reinsert it with the modifications I would have made to it (shortening of some tubes?
How do you proceed?
If I understood correctly, when you do your linear tube repeat, you checked merge the result.
As a result, your tubes are welded and form a single body with the perpendicular crossbars.
In my opinion, if you have to modify the repeated tubes (in yellow on the image, you can no longer make your tubes independent as if you had inserted your tubes one by one.
So if your tubes are not all the same then make individual parts and assemble them in your ASM. Indeed it seems preferable to me because if you want to make a plan for the fab it is better to have individual parts.
If it's like I see in the image to make a virtual mockup. Then you can also make modifications in your ASM by removing material directly from the tubes concerned.
It all depends on what you want, in the end, a realistic model or 50 2D drawings to send to production. ;-)
Kind regards
PS: a linear or circular repetition is only intended to save time but often on the condition that all the repetitions are identical Since the repetitions are made either from a sketch or from a repetition of a body (in your case a body is a tube duplicated N times. We could say that a repetition repeats the same thing , whereas if the pieces were not the same, it would be a modular duplication by individually parameterizing each duplicated element. (what exists)
I manage the merge option the result no problem, and the option is unchecked.
When I insert the tube on the ASM it is alone and I come to make the network along an axis of this tube. Except that this new part I can't find it in a separate part file. I would like to know how to save this part in a separate file and then be able to modify it with the following name: floor tube network 31.05.20.
In training, I had made a sketch on an ASM and I was able to extract it because otherwise I could not guess it or even find the dimensions by calculation
There you go 20200531_103507.jpg
Not bad;) thank you this function will help me :)!
I was able to record the piece as I wanted, I can open it separately and work on it is great, I didn't know the function* join thank you very much.
The only downside is that the paramefric of the tubes seems lost, I can no longer edit the sketch and the extrusion length of the base tube but it is only a detail
And as heroes would say nakamura = yataaA!!
[url=https://postimg.cc/JDgF5GFD] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/JDgF5GFD/hiro-yatta-070522.jpg[/img][/url]