[ SolidWorks ] How do you project a sketch along a curve?

Hi all

I would like to know how to project a sketch along a curve or even sweep to a surface?

Could you help me or guide me?

Thank you.

Kind regards.



For the Sweep, you need to take your sketch as Profile and your curve as the Sweep Path.
Doesn't it work?

if it works, but I would like the sweep to stop on the surface I put in green!

You do a subtraction to finish the answer of  Aliende (Insert combine subtract)

To do this, you may also have to copy the front body to keep one of the 2.

Or better the intersection function allows you to choose which bodies to keep

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Hello, thank you for your answers!

On the other hand, @sbadenis, when I subtract, I no longer have my bodies...

Okay, I'll try, I've never used this command! But when I use it, it tells me solidworks is busy running a command etc ...

It's okay I succeeded I think, thank you for your help gentlemen!