Solidworks costing

Hi all

Has anyone ever used and set up SolidWorks costing?  In my new company we would like to do part costing with this tool but I can't find much on the net.

Thank you

Hello Ronathan

In my opinion, almost no one uses it, hence the little information on the net.

It's a demagogic product, if it's to do RCA costing, it's better to use cost accounting or management tools that are well suited for direct costing.

Look here! because only the full cost counts because not all the costs are in the workshop far from it and you also have to look at  the ABC (Activity Based Costing) method

Kind regards



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Be careful which version of Costing you want to use.

With Solidworks (Premium) you get an ultra-light version of costing with a very limited number of settings.

In addition, in most cases you will have to re-enter all the information of the part to be costed (materials/dimensions/type of machining.....

In our country, this option was abandoned after six months...

Kind regards.

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Thanks for the info I'll think about it.