I know that the title of the message can make you smile, and for good reason... If I know what I want to achieve, I don't know how to define it in precise terms (your help will also be welcome on this). But that's not the main point....
My problem is the following: I created a "bean" interlocking (a kind of curved groove) in a tube using a removal of material by a body that is also cylindrical (see attached image). So far, so good.
Now I want to create another part (the counterpart, the complementary part) that will fit into this curved groove and whose shape should be similar to the one already created (the blue profile visualized in Emboîtement_1.jpg). And here, I wedge ;-( I just want to create a "male" part to fit into the curved groove of the cylindrical tube.
The extrusion of material does not give the expected result and I do not see what tool or the process to achieve my fns (the intersection?).
Any suggestion/proposal, idea... will be welcome.
PS... SW2017 / it is a railway model and represents a steam boiler element.
Thank you very much and in advance for your help. Have a nice day.
Using the "Combine" function (insert-> -> combine).
You repeat the same procedure as to get your bean (a tube then a cylinder perpendicular to the tube but unchecking the merge option). You will have 2 separate bodies, then you use the "Combine" function with the "Common" option. (see attached image)
Well done @Rim-b full of functions that I have never used. ;-)
It's a kind of tutorial like making bean keys that are found in some security mechanisms (like safes). Mould makers have to use these functions because they always have parts to interlock with complex shapes, not to say nutty shapes.
Thanks for the idea. On the other hand, this is not quite the right approach in my opinion because my "curved groove" is made using a cylindrical material removal tool with sweeping moving on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder (see attached Emboitement.jpg).
The proposed solution will create "receding" edges (as if we were intersecting a cone with the cylinder), and not straight edges like those created by my virtual "cylindrical cutter" (material removal tool).
OK I found .... Thank you very much. In fact, to get what I want, a curved groove but whose edges are perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, I created a volume and used the "combine" function as shown! Magic... Thank you again for your help.
PS I'm making 2 other posts to put the view before the "combine" and the result.
Remember to close the post by validating the person who gave you the best answer or who helped you find it. That way, if someone encounters the same problem, they will quickly find the answer without typing all the answers...