SolidWorks / Excel

Hello everyone, being in a work-study program, my school provided me with a version of Excel / Word 2007, and my PC (Windows10) has a version of SolidWorks 2013 provided by my company.

I want to make a family of parts to set up standard assembly elements but SolirdWorks opens a 2016 version of Excel directly to me and I can't find how to fix it.

Thanks in advance


Why do you want to change Excel in Solidworks??? Why have  two versions of Excel installed on the PC???

I didn't choose to have two versions of Excel, I want until SolidWorks opens it to me with the version I have the rights to 2007

I haven't found anything to change, I think the only solution is to delete and then re-install 2007, so it should take the latest installed version. If it doesn't work, all you have to do is completely remove the 2016 so that he has no choice. 

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I imagine that the XL2016 is an office365 that comes with the machine when you bought it.

Basically, what is the concern of using it? I don't think it poses a problem of version compatibility.

If it's an office365, as its name suggests, it only lasts one year, after which you have to buy a new license. So you can indeed, as @AC Cobra proposes, uninstall it.

What surprises me is that, although installed later, the 2007 version is burned by 2016.



Are you sure that this version of Excel is compatible with SolidWorks 2013?

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For configuration via excel, I use the following method to create my excel files:

1- I create an excel file in a specific folder, which I name according to the part/assembly to be configured.

2- In this excel file I fill in cell A2 with the configuration name "Default"

3- In Solidworks, or once the part/assembly is opened, I click on "Insert", "Tables", "Part Family".

4- In the PropertyManager, in the "Source" window, I check "From file" as well as "Link to file", and with the "Browse" tab I will look for the excel file that has just been created.

5- Validate

Then all that remains is to fill in the family table according to the needs.


I don't know if this will solve your problem. Perhaps the easiest way is to put everything on the same level on your computer.



When you double click on an Excel file in Windows Explorer, it opens the file to you via Excel 2007 or Excel 2016?

If it's Excel 2016 then change the default program directly in Windows. ( ).

Kind regards



Another solution to change the default program in Windows: see attached file.

Kind regards


I looked for and tried several of your solutions that I hadn't already done and continued to document myself and I'm finally going to set up VBA while waiting for me to buy the 2016 or 2017 version.

Thank you all for your time and answers

Kind regards

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