Solidworks, macro pdf sheet with name


I got a macro that allows me to save all the sheets of my drawing in PDF.

After trying many possibilities, nothing changed...

What I want is to be able to choose which sheet of the MEP I want to save as a PDF (1 sheet only)

In addition, my sheets always have the same name, maybe it's easier to integrate in the macro the name of the sheet I want to save as a PDF.

Thanks in advance!

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I'm new here but macro-wise I have a bit of hindsight
So maybe I can help you

for the story of the name of the sheet at the registration it must be happening somewhere by the
swPathName = swPath + swName

In the swName variable you should be able to find the name of your PDF sheet
Genre: toto.pdf

It is given at the level of line A:
swName = Left(swName, InStrRev(swName, ".") - 1)
so this is the line that you will have to modify to change the name of your file save as PDF

On the other hand, I don't have enough hindsight on the history of solidworks drawings

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But how do you want to choose your paper? By creating the PDF only for the active sheet could it do the trick?

If so, this macro will be fine:



Thank you for your answers and your help!

Thanks to you and by making some modifications I got out of it!

Thank you

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